Laura Jordhen, MD
Family Medicine
Contact me today, get seen right away
You’re Invited! Noble Journey Primary Care
Open House March 15th 1:00 to 5:00 pm
Dr. Laura Jordhen
Do you wish you could spend more time with your doctor? Do you find it difficult to limit your visit to one issue–because your concerns seem connected? Do you wish you could talk to your doctor on the phone directly?
At Noble Journey Primary Care, you can. When there is no rush, you have time to ask questions. We talk about all of your concerns, and how they connect. Because they do. And if you think of something else after the visit, you call me.

Patient Portal Login: contact Noble Journey Primary Care for initial portal set-up
Family Medicine the way it is meant to be.
Dr. Laura Jordhen
What you want from your physician is to be heard, respected and understood. To feel empowered to take charge of your own health.
Vancouver, Washington
Get seen now. Talk with your doctor on the phone when you need. Office and video visits when you need.
New Kind of Clinic
Direct Primary Care
A low monthly membership fee covers excellent primary care: all your office visits and more. For children and adults!
I’m ready to be your guide.
Wellness means living fully and loving our bodies, in all the shapes and colors they come in. Wellness means facing new challenges, and having the strength to say yes. And no. Wellness means the bravery of radical acceptance, and the courage to heal. Wellness is a journey, not a waypoint. Wellness means continuing to do what got us here.